Balun BN43-7051 3.5T

VNWA Common Mode Fixture CMRR

CMRR Fixture Without 10:1 Transformer

VNWA Common Mode Fixture CMRR

SimSmith Balun Model

  • LG1 = VNWA measured CMRR With 10:1 Transformer
  • LG2 = VNWA measured CMRR WithOut 10:1 Transformer
  • L = Model CMRR
  • Transformer Leakage Inductance, LLs, adjusted for best CMRR fit
    Transformer coefficient of coupling = (118 - 0.2*2)/118 = 0.997
  • Parallel capacitance, Cp, adjusted for best CMRR fit
  • SimSmith files

SimSmith Balun RUSE Block

Measure Common Mode Z

VNWA Z Common Mode using S21 Through

Three Port Fixture

VNWA Three Port Fixture

VNA Through Calibration Schematic

VNA Measure Schematic

Three Port Fixture CMRR Plot

  • Real Imaginary S21 Files:
  • File "join" is Unix join(1) of two above files
  • gnuplot CMRR equation, see reference above:
    i = {0,1}
    P(a,b) = a+b*i
    plot 'join' using ($1):(6+20*log10(abs((P($2,$3)+P($4,$5))/(P($2,$3)-P($4,$5))))) with lines title ""
  • 6dB added to CMRR to match above measurements

Three Port Fixture CMRR SimSmith Model and Plot

  • Compare Three Port, Two Port without 10:1 Transformer,
    and Model without reactance values, Cp=LLs=0
  • SimSmith Files with SS-Balun-Model-3P.ssx:
  • SimSmith Equations:
    $s21 = Gamma(S21[]);	// was converted to Z, convert back to T
    $s31 = Gamma(S31[]);	// was converted to Z, convert back to T
    $sum = $s21+$s31; 
    $diff = $s21-$s31;
    ThreePortCMRR = 6 +20*Log10(    Mag($sum/$diff) );
  • 6dB added to ThreeportCMRR to match TwoPortCMRR and ModelCMRR;

Measure Common CMRR with RF Voltmeter

  1. Setup Oscilloscope for 50Ω input and measure Vrms
  2. Adjust signal generator for 50Ω output
  3. Connect generator to oscilloscope and adjust, for example 1.5Vrms
  4. Using simple centertap load CMRR fixture, connect generator and oscope as in photo
  5. Measure and record common mode Vrms at several frequencies.
    Written to file Oscope.txt in this example.
    Oscope.txt file, along SimSmith file SS-Balun-Model-Oscope.ssx, in
  6. Compute CMRR dB = 20 * Log10(Vcm/Vin) as in SimSmith example

SimSmith Window

Example Oscilloscope Vcm Screen Shot

Two Port CMRR with Barrel Adapter Thru and ThruMatch Cal

  • VNWA Thru and Thru Match calibration using barrel adapter.
  • Same 2 Port DUT as above Oscilloscope photo
  • SimSmith comparison of; Two Port Vrms, Two Port S21,
    and Three Port S21/S31 methods.
  • All files for SS-Balun-Oscope-2Port-BarrelCal.ssx in:

SimSmith Window