Comparison With
Applying and Measuring Ferrite Beads, Part III ~ Measurements
Page 7, Figure 8
Port Extension set for (S11 ImagZ == t2s ImagZ) = 10ps
Port Extension set for (S11 ImagZ == t2s ImagZ == 0) = -8ps
D1 Text | D2 Text | D Text using μ = μ' - jμ" |
//Fair-Rite $data=file[]; // Fair-Rite File mup = $data.R; $mupp = $data.X; Plot("F-Rmup",mup,y2); Plot("F-Rmupp",$mupp,y2); | //BN43-202 1T $data=file[]; // S11 File Lo; $Rs = $data.R; $Xs = $data.X; Ls = $Xs/(2*Pi * G.MHz * 1M); mup = Ls / Lo; $Q = $Xs / $Rs; $upp = mup / $Q; Plot("BN1Tmup",mup,y2); Plot("BN1Tmupp",$upp,y2); | //BN43-202 1T Using u'-ju" $data=file[]; // S11 File Lo; $mu = -j * $data / (2*Pi * G.MHz * 1M * Lo); Plot("mup",$mu.R,y2); Plot("mupp",-$mu.I,y2); |
gnuplot File Text |
set terminal png set output 'gp-cp.png' set datafile commentschars "!#" # s1p File comment compatible set grid xtics ytics set grid mxtics mytics set key top right set xlabel "Frequency MHz" set title "Measured 43 Material Complex Permeability vs. Frequency" set yrange [3:1000] set logscale xy Lo = 2.05e-9 # Permeability=1 Inductance i = {0,1} Zs(a,b) = 50 * (1 + (a+b*i))/(1 - (a+b*i)) # s1p MHz S RI R 50 to Zs Rs(a,b) = real(Zs(a,b)) Xs(a,b) = imag(Zs(a,b)) Ls(f,a,b) = Xs(a,b)/(2*pi * f * 1e6) mup(f,a,b) = Ls(f,a,b) / Lo Q(a,b) = Xs(a,b) / Rs(a,b) mupp(f,a,b) = mup(f,a,b) / Q(a,b) plot \ 'FT37-43-x5-s21.s1p' using ($1):(mup($1,$2,$3)) with lines title "mu'", \ 'FT37-43-x5-s21.s1p' using ($1):(mupp($1,$2,$3)) with lines title "mu\"" |
gnuplot File Text, Solving for μ = μ' - jμ" |
set terminal png set output 'gp-cp.png' set datafile commentschars "!#" # s1p File comment compatible set grid xtics ytics set grid mxtics mytics set key top right set xlabel "Frequency MHz" set title "Measured 43 Material Complex Permeability vs. Frequency" set yrange [3:1000] set logscale xy Lo = 2.05e-9 # Permeability=1 Inductance i = {0,1} Zs(a,b) = 50 * (1 + (a+b*i))/(1 - (a+b*i)) # s1p MHz S RI R 50 to Zs mu(f,a,b) = -i * Zs(a,b) / (2 * pi * f * 1e6 * Lo) # mu() = u' - u" plot \ 'FT37-43-x5-s21.s1p' using ($1):(real(mu($1,$2,$3))) with lines title "mu'", \ 'FT37-43-x5-s21.s1p' using ($1):(-imag(mu($1,$2,$3))) with lines title "mu\"" |